The brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text. Consumers take two seconds to look at an ad, of which 1.5 seconds is spent on the visual aspect and .5 seconds is spent on the text.*
*Source: http://60secondmarketer.com/blog/2011/10/03/how-to-write-an-ad/.
Visual tools are essential in grabbing your reader’s attention, embedding your brand, evoking emotion, and telling your story. Infographics are a great visual/text marketing tool. Color also plays an integral role.
According to Jeff Bullas, articles with images receive 94 percent more total views than articles without images. ” Source: http://www.jeffbullas.com/2012/05/28/6-powerful-reasons-why-you-should-include-images-in-your-marketing-infographic/.
The Importance of Color:
There are many considerations when selecting colors for logos, websites, color pallets and graphics. Men and women respond to color differently as do people from a multitude of origins/cultures. Take into consideration that eight percent of men are color blind and do not fully see red and green light. Blue has the most positive connotations according to Julie Neidlinger’s blog, Color Psychology in Marketing: The Complete Guide. She published the following findings from a survey asking people to associate color with words they were given.
While purle ... "is often used to denote a high quality or superior product, such as Cadbury's chocolate or some women's cosmetics. If you are in a service business, use some purple in your marketing to denote your premium service." acording to http://www.empower-yourself-with-color-psychology.com
Survey on Colors:
• Trust: Most chose the color blue (34%), followed by white (21%) and green (11%).* • Security: Blue came out on top (28%), followed by black (16%) and green (12%)* • Speed: Red was overwhelmingly the favorite (76%).* • Cheapness: Orange came first (26%), followed by yellow (22%) and brown (13%).* • High Quality: Black was the clear winner (43%), then blue (20%).* • High Tech: Black was the top choice (26%) and blue and gray second (both 23%)* • Reliability: Blue was the top choice (43%), followed by black (24%).* • Courage: Most chose purple (29%), then red (28%) and finally blue (22%)* • Fear/Terror: Red came in first (41%), followed by black (38%).* • Fun: Orange was the top choice (28%), followed closely by yellow (26%) and then purple (17%).*

Color preferences by gender and age: • Blue is the favored color by both men (57%) and women (35%)* • Men dislike brown the most, while women dislike orange.* • Men tolerate achromatic colors (i.e. shades of gray) better.* • A majority of men (56%) and women (76%) preferred cool colors in general.* • Orange and yellow grow increasingly disliked as both genders get older.* *Source: http://coschedule.com/blog/color-psychology-marketing8. Colors have many different connotations to people of different origins and cultures. Take red for instance: • Celtic: Death, afterlife. • China: Good luck, celebration, summoning. • India: Purity. • South Africa: Color of mourning. • Russia: Bolsheviks and Communism.
Resources for stock images: • Photo Pin. • Picjumbo: offers a limited number of free images or a $6 per month membership. • Pixabay: offers free accounts and a great search feature. • FreeImages.com: offers images shared by photographers and designers. • Wikimedia Commons:a free use database with millions of images, sounds, and videos. • Compfight: helps you search for both free images and paid stock photos.
Source Forbes blog: http://www.forbes.com/sites/jaysondemers/2014/09/29/your-guide-to-using-images-in-your-content-marketing-strategy/
Other resources: • Take your own pictures. • GraphicStock: https://www.graphicstock.com/. • Shutterstock: http://www.shutterstock.com/. • Photobucket: www.Photobucket.com/. • iStock: www.istockphoto.com/. • Deposit photos: http://depositphotos.com/. • Pond5: http://www.pond5.com/.
Please be sure to read the licensing and attribution requirements for all downloaded images. Some free images have restrictions on commercial use. You don’t want to infringe on copyright laws.
Free Marketing Consultation
For more free info about color contact Jody Liller at Liller Designworks, LLC, at jodyliller@gmail.com. We are also offering a free marketing consultation to the first three people who contact us and mention this blog.